how to make friends online

Made June 2022 - May 2023

Read online here.

Reminiscing on times when it felt like the internet was bringing us closer together instead of driving us apart.

If you know me it's no surprise that I was an extremely online teenager, and as an adult I'm very interested in:

  1. online communication
  2. the ways we share ourselves online
  3. how that does (or doesn't) match up with our offline lives

I'm definitely not done exploring this topic in general — but my first step in putting thoughts to paper was this nostalgic (self-indulgent) look back on moments in my life where I've felt genuine human connection through the cold blue light of online communication.

A first go at a zine-style format, How To Make Friends Online isn't designed for print, but still takes a lot of inspiration from riso print, collagey design. The visuals definitely aren't perfect, but this was partly an exercise in making myself actually finish a small project rather than tweaking it forever.
